Wednesday, April 11, 2007

tackling the beggar/cow "menace"

Beggars, cows, what's the difference?

Those of you who have visited Madurai, or indeed many other cities throughout India, would have noticed the many stray cows wandering throughout the streets. Cities such as Chennai have banned stray cows within the city limits, as has Delhi where folks have come up with the clever idea of installing computer chips in stray cows so that owners can be identified and fined. Well, this week orders came down from above for Madurai police officers to start herding up stray cows, loading them into vehicles and hauling them off to some holding location. You might also have noticed that there are many beggars roaming around Indian cities as well. Just two days ago the police swept the city and hauled the beggars off to jail in a paddy wagon.

"The police commissioner who took disciplinary action and arrested the beggars, who are posing a nuisance to the public, similarly yesterday ordered that stray cows be snatched up from the road," read today's Dinamalar. Beggar nuisance. Cow nuisance. Same shit, different day for the public it would seem. I know that I will sleep better tonight, knowing that the cows and beggars have been hauled off to their respective holding facilities, no longer posing a nuisance to the public.

I can understand arresting the beggars and hauling them off to prison, but the poor, hungry, defenseless cows? Isn't that a bit inhumane?

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