Chennai clocked in yesterday at a startling 108F, while we in Madurai were wrapping up in woolen scarves and stocking caps as the mercury only managed to crawl up to 102F. Fortunately the humidity is only at 80%. Surprisingly, while the foreigner is sweating so much even her FOREARMS are dripping, the average Madurai citizen stands smiling in the 102F sun seemingly without a drop of sweat on their body. Maybe a drop of sweat will drip down their forehead, but that's about it. What gives? What is the secret here? Are white people less evolved and biologically incapable of dealing with the heat? Locals are cafeful not to let the foreigners walk too much in the sun, etc., as foreigners "just cannot manage." It's true, but there's got to be something else going on here! How is it that one can be so used to extraordinary heat that he or she appears not to sweat??
I've discovered the secret! It's prickly heat powder! Sprinkle this all over your body, and it absorbs the sweat. All along I thought the powder obsession here was just about making one's face look ghostly white; it turns out it serves a dual purpose. Unfortunately I took the prickly heat powder a little overboard and broke out in a rash, so I might have to lay off it for a while. But it was nice while it lasted. Now if I could just do something about this ringworm on my hand.* **
Except for the little allergic reaction detail.
**kind of.
**kind of.
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